Mężczyzna (64 lat)
Imiębarrymax brown MieszkamUSA
Wiek64 lat Jak mieszkam
Budowa ciałaNormalna Wzrost178 cm
Stosunek do papierosówNie palę Stosunek do alkoholuLubię tylko okazjonalnie
Kolor oczuInne Kolor włosówCzarne
DzieciMam Stan cywilnyWdowiec
Czego szukamprzyjaźni miłości kobiet
Mój opisI am very generous and kind; loving and sincere; accurate and faithful. Just dont think that I am an ideal man; but to tell the truth I have no bad qualities. To make my description more detailed I can add that I am punctual, intelligent, responsible and funny. I think that it is vitally important to stay in harmony with yourself then your life is full and simply amazing. If you are an open, good and honest person that helps others and shares positive emotions with others; life will definitely reward you in return. I will stop here for now; because I want you to know me better and create your own opinion about me.
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Oceniano: 1, Ranking: 1.00
i look great by god's grace
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