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Mężczyzna (64 lat)
ImięDenis MieszkamUSA
Wiek64 lat Jak mieszkam
Budowa ciałaNormalna Wzrost163 cm
Stosunek do papierosówNie palę Stosunek do alkoholuNie lubię
Kolor oczuCzarne Kolor włosówJasny blond
DzieciNie mam Stan cywilnyWdowiec
Czego szukammiłości
Mój opisI'm down to earth, easygoing, sensitive yet strong man who's Adventurous, Articulate, Athletic, Attractive and very Affectionate - intellectually curious about people, places and ideas. I have many diversified interests. My smile and positive personality come through when you meet me. When you know me, you find warmth, support, fun, caring and love. Extremely Romantic and giving and desire the same in the woman I am searching for. I'm very fortunate to have a wonderful career, with good people around me...
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